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Writer's pictureMark Maier

Spring 2022 Newsletter

The one word I would choose to describe our first three years on the farm is educational. We have been ‘learned’ on aspects of animal husbandry, time management, personal interactions under stress, business practices, and so on. We have learned about who in the family prefers to do what and how much of anything. This too has been educational. We have been educated on where many of our natural strengths, weakness and interests lie. Finally, we have been educated on the intersection of idealism and reality. More on this later. We are so grateful to each of you, and your interest and support over these past few years. It has been such a joy to not only take on the farming enterprise as a family, but in a way, with you as well. We welcome your questions and continued interest in all things farming as we continue on this grand adventure.

The last year was just as full, if not more so, than the first two. Responding to a number of you who made the suggestion, we held two weeks of Farm Camp last summer. We were truly in our wheelhouse as we were able to combine our inclination toward teaching with all that we have learned in our time on the farm. Our own children were incredibly helpful as we played and learned in the heat of June and July. After purchasing a second Great Pyrenees, we became the proud parents of five puppies on Feb 1. Walking through the pasture took on a whole new sense of wonder with a handful of curious fluff balls in our wake. Recently we held a few farm tours and look forward to more in the future. Additionally, Lydia now has a pair of rabbits and Joshua is raising his own calf as part of our local 4-H livestock club.

In a relatively brief time, we can say with confidence that we have jumped into the farming venture head first. Our approach has been to taste a bit of everything on the buffet, determining what works best with our schedules, what is financially sustainable, and what best fits with our farm. As with any business, we are now beginning to settle on what we would most like spend our time. Before moving into our 2022 product offerings, I should mention that while Farm Camp is full, we still have a number of Farm Friday spots available for the summer. Additionally, stay tuned for Farm Tour dates. As always, we welcome visitors. It is truly a joy to show folks around the farm. Whether it is spending a few minutes watching the piglets or walking over every inch of the property, don’t hesitate to give us a call if you are looking for a way to spend an evening.

As always, please follow us on Facebook and Instagram or check us out at

2022 Product Offerings (Price list to follow)

In full disclosure, we have increased our prices on poultry and pork. Grain prices are up roughly 50% over the past 18 months and processing cost have increased by roughly 30% in the same period.

Pasture raised poultry- we grow chicken humanely. There is no regular medication plan to keep them alive: only sunshine, new grass each day, well water, and locally grown/milled feed.

Farm fresh eggs- forget cooped up chickens or images or hens pecking on hard dirt. Our laying hens spend their days scratching in the pasture. Our hens can barely keep up with demand. Let us know if you would like to be added to the list.

Honey- a number of our hives have come through the winter fairly strong. While never a sure thing, we are looking forward to a healthy honey harvest and hope to have honey available for purchase early this summer.

Pork- hot and mild ground sausage is currently available. To meet future demand, piglets arrived a few weeks back. With a processing date set for Oct 10, pork will be available for pickup or delivery by mid October.

Turkeys- consider a farm raised turkey for your Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner. We plan on offering two sizes- 12-15 pounders and 15-18 pounders. These will be available for pick up in November.

Beef- we have made the decision to not do beef this year. The reasons are numerous; rising costs, difficulty landing processing dates, time demands, and a number of other logistical challenges that come with handling 1,000 pound ruminants. We may choose to jump back into the fray in the future, but for now, we are focusing our attention on other products.

It is truly a joy to offer a variety of products for your table.

Please continue to follow us on Facebook and Instagram @MaierFarm. Also, check us out at If you have enjoyed our products, let others know. We love referrals! After all, the best form of marketing is word of mouth.

We look forward to serving you in 2022!


Mark and Stephanie Maier

Maier Farm: Growing Food. Growing Fellowship. Welcome Back to the Table.

Pork Options

Pigs are processed at a USDA certified facility. All cuts are vacuumed sealed and will stay fresh for over a year in the freezer. At your request, side meat (bacon) can be sliced into strips. However, the buyer will absorb this cost of $1.50/lb.

Whole hog

$7 lb (115-140 lbs)

Chops are cut ¾” thick. Ground sausage and side meat in 1 lb pkgs.

Box includes:

55-65 lbs mild sausage

4 porks butts (18-24 total lbs)

22-27 pkgs chops (2 per pack, 10-12 total lbs)

2-3 green hams (uncured/ unsmoked: 3-5 lbs each)

7-9 lbs side meat (uncured/ unsmoked)

2 baby back ribs

2 whole ribs

2 pork loins

3-4 pkgs fat back

½ hog

$7.25 lb (58-70 lbs)

Chops are cut ¾” thick. Ground sausage and side meat in 1 lb pkgs.

Box includes:

27-33 lbs mild sausage

2 porks butts (9-12 total lbs)

11-13 pkgs chops (2 per pack, 5-6 total lbs)

1-2 green ham (uncured/ unsmoked: 3-5 lbs)

3-5 lbs side meat (uncured/ unsmoked)

1 baby back rib

1 whole rib

1 pork loin

1-2 pkgs fat back

Pork Sampler

$7.50 lb (28-35 lbs)

Chops are cut ¾” thick. Ground sausage and side meat in 1 lb pkgs.

Box includes:

13-16 lbs mild sausage

1 pork butt (4-6 lbs)

5-6 pkgs chops (2 per pack, 2-3 lbs)

2-4 lbs side meat (uncured/ unsmoked)

1 baby back or whole rib

1 pkg fat back

***In case you are worried about freezer space…

Plan on 1 cubic foot for every 20-25 lbs of meat.

Maier Farm 2022 Order Form Name:

Phone: 828-310-7344 Phone:

Email: Email:

Please check the box of the products you are interested in.

Whole chickens $3.75/lb (please include the desired number beside each availability date). Ask us about chicken feet, liver, and hearts.

mid-late May : ______

mid-late Oct : ______

Turkeys $4.50/lb

Available in Nov. Specify 12-15 lb or 15-18 lbs

Must be prepared to pick up/or meet in Hickory the day of processing. You will need freezer space.

Whole hog $7/lb

Available for delivery/pickup in mid Oct

½ hog $7.25/lb

Available for delivery/pickup in mid Oct

Pork sampler $7.50/lb

Available for delivery/pickup in mid Oct

Honey (please check if interested. Indicate number of bottles desired below)

Anticipated harvest dates: June and July

Classic 1 lb bottle ($10.00)

8 ounce bear bottles ($6.00)

Eggs $4.00/dozen. Let us know if would like to be added to the list when available. These are most easily picked up in Hickory.

*Ordering directions…

Fill out this form, either electronically or by hand

Email form to Take picture and email if easier.

The sooner we hear from you, the greater the chances that we can fill your order. We will confirm that your order has been received. Payments are due upon delivery of product. We take cash, checks written to Mark Maier, or Venmo.

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